Plant Medicine Ceremony

I first heard about Plant Medicine in 2017, at that time I had been sober from drugs & alcohol for more than 2 decades, and Plant Medicine was not on my ‘TO DO’ list. My Yoga Practice had been consistently healing & transformative for almost 25 years. But I remember exactly, when I heard Dr. Gabor Mate, on the CBC Radio, say, that he had done lots of healing, but he felt like there were places inside, deep grooves, ‘Ancient Karma’, that just wasn’t being cleared … until, his Plant Medicine experiences began. I pulled my car over, on the highway, crying happy/sad tears, I felt the same way about myself, and my Healing Journey, that there was energy and literal physical blocks that weren’t being resolved. I knew, in an instant, with that full body knowing feel, that I too, was going to Dance with the Sacred Medicines of the Pancha Mama …

As I write this I am headed to lead my 14th Retreat at Blue Spirit, where I have journeyed with close to 500 beautiful souls.

I reflect with gratitude on all extraordinary healing that this space, the land, the wisdom of the people, the water, the medicines of the jungle have offered me. And how now, I am am called to deepen & share this transformative Healing Medicine in new ways.

About two years ago a chance encounter- connected me with Medicine Facilitators in Nosara, Costa Rica. I had been offered an opportunity to work with a therapeutic Heart Opening Medicine Blend with a Psychiatrist in Canada, the previous year, it quite literally changed my brain & my life. I jumped at the chance to explore incorporating these Medicines on my Costa Rica Retreats. I immediately booked a Ceremony.

After doing a detailed medical intake form, I arrived in the morning, fasting since the evening before. The ceremony took place in a beautiful sun filled room, surrounded by the sounds of the jungle. Butterflies and hummingbirds zoomed around the garden, a sweet cozy bed had been set up for me, with blankets and pillows, I was also invited to bring along whatever would make me more comfortable. After going over the protocol (safety first), I set my intention- Healing, backwards and forwards, for myself and future generations. I also asked for more ‘knowing’ about how our individual Healing affects the Healing of others & our World. I took the medicine in a pill form. It was a heart opening combination of : Kanna, Lilly, Blue Lotus & others … I call this the Heart Drop Blend ❤️🪷🌺

I lay down on my bed, covered my eyes, and the medicine began to do its work quickly. I experienced pure love, love for myself, for the world and an understanding of the divinity & interconnection of ALL. The information that I was given was so wise and deep and kind, information from deep inside me, with the help of the celestial surgeons who spoke, directed and illuminated. At around noon I was asked if I wanted to go deeper and take the Spirit Plants: Psilocybin 🍄 , or just stay in the heart opening. The first time I stayed there in my heart, since then I have gone deeper and continued to explore … receiving more & more Healing & Insight & increasingly profound Downloads from the Cosmos/ Creator. Us.

Throughout the journey a combination of sound healing, Gongs & Crystal Bowls, and harmonic ceremony music was playing, weaving messages of love, whispering sacred sounds into my mind and heart. I was never alone, sweet, goddess guides took my hand when I needed to go to the bathroom, offer me a glass of juice, a piece of fruit, or just to check in on me and where I was. I was held like a newborn. At around 5 the ceremony ended with a meal and integration circle.

The medicine quite literally opened up neural pathways to self love, universal connection & guidance, peace & inner equanimity, that previously I only imagined might be possible. The downloads that I received in Ceremony continue to illuminate and lead me. 

I am over the moon excited to offer optional Plant Medicine Ceremonies on my Retreats.

The Ceremony includes a pre-ceremony private consultation & a post-ceremony private integration, as well as one group meeting pre ceremony ( via zoom), as well as the Day Long Ceremony, approximately 8:30 am- 6 pm.

Space is limited, & details are subject to change.